Who do you think you are?!
Aug 06, 2024
Who we think we are influences every part of our life.
It determines the way we feel, how we communicate & the decisions we make.
Unfortunately, we often hold very limiting beliefs about who we are… and as a result get caught up in limiting behaviors that hold us back or sabotage our life.
The even trickier part, it's hard to see beyond limiting self beliefs and recognise that who we think we are is just a perspective and not an absolute.
How do you know when you’re stuck in a limited self belief?
And how do you get out of it?!
- Red Flag Words - "too", "always", "never" & “just”
If you find yourself using these words in a sentence about yourself, this is a RED FLAG that your self identity and worth is limited!
For example: I’m too old… too young…too fat… too skinny…too late..etc.
When you think you’re “too” anything, you’re devaluing who and what you are experiencing at this moment. The same is true with the other red flag words and statements like, “I’m just a mom.” “I never get anything right.” “I’m always alone.”
When you value who and what you’re experiencing right now, that’s when you get empowered no matter what is happening!
Use these words as a little warning to pause, take a deep breath into your heart and ask your higher self for a bigger perspective.
- Remember, you are not defined by this, you are experiencing it.
The bigger perspective knows that we are not defined by our emotions, relationships, past, job, health or finances…but rather we are simply experiencing all of these things.
In other words, this too shall pass.
- You are a spirit on a human journey.
Finally, remember that you are a beautiful spirit going on a wild and inevitably bumpy human journey. Your spirit learns how to expand through all of the bumps, imperfections, heart breaks and fuck ups. And with each bump your spirit remains deeply valuable, wise and expansive… even when you forget it is.
Who do you think you are when you connect to your spirit?!
Want some support in breaking out of limiting self belief patterns?
Reach out for a one on one session or sign up for my online self paced course
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