Family Dynamics & Unconscious Old Behaviour
Oct 01, 2024
I recently got back from a wonderful trip home to Colorado introducing Bodhi to my US family. On a walk with one of my brothers we were laughing about how old childhood behaviors and feelings crop up at family gatherings no matter how old we get! Anyone else relate?
From a therapist's perspective I know it’s because the conditioning we receive as young children (ages 2-7 years) leaves the strongest subconscious imprints on us.
From a human perspective I find it frustrating and disheartening that some part of me unconsciously reverts to a child when I’m back in my childhood home, even though I’ve done so much work on that part. And I know I’m not alone in this sentiment!
Even still, I know I’ve come a long way and over the years the amount that I get triggered has significantly reduced thanks to working on myself and processing childhood limiting beliefs and experiences.
The inner child work has allowed me to be a much more centred and empowered adult, and I’m endlessly inspired by the massive growth and change I see in my clients when they start to do their inner child work.
I personally think it’s the most important work we do on ourselves and our service to the next generation!
But even when we do this work the inner child doesn’t die or go away.
I’m starting to see how a big part of the work is actually just holding our inner child parts with deep love and acceptance. We don’t have to push them away or get rid of them to feel healed and whole.
Our inner child will always be a part of us and most likely there will always be some circumstances that trigger the inner child's fears/insecurities/coping mechanisms etc … and that’s OK. Our work is to hold that part of us compassionately and show our inner child a bigger perspective.
So this is a loving reminder to you to embrace your inner child… even if they’re acting up. ;)
If you find that hard to do, reach out, I have so many processes and techniques that can support creating a loving and compassionate relationship with your inner child.
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