Don't tell me not to worry!
Nov 13, 2024
Have you ever had someone tell you not to worry about something and it only made you feel more anxious plus angry about not feeling understood?
Most likely that person had good intentions, but trying to ignore a concern can actually create more stress in the nervous system or unhealthy avoidant behaviors like numbing.
We all know it's almost impossible NOT to think about our worries, but what we can do is focus on HOW we're thinking about them.
Narrative therapy invites us to explore the stories we tell, either to ourselves or others, about our worries and experiences.
And the stories we tell directly influence how we feel about and respond to those worries.
Are you telling a story that's empowering and focusing on what you CAN do about the situation? Or are you telling a story that's disempowering and focusing on everything that's out of your control?
As the serenity prayer asks:
“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
So go on, worry about it, and be discerning about HOW you're worrying so you feel empowered.
Not sure how to do that? Therapy can help reframe and re-empower you. Reach out for a free discovery call.
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